Pedestrian Accident Precautions

As pedestrians, we take the safety of crosswalks for granted. But what happens when that safety is compromised, resulting in an accident? The legalities surrounding pedestrian accidents can be confusing, leaving victims unsure of their rights and path forward. Click here to demystify pedestrian accident law, empowering you with knowledge in case the unthinkable happens.

What are pedestrian accidents?

A pedestrian accident is any collision between a person on foot and a moving vehicle, bicycle, or other object. These can range from minor bumps to fatal crashes. The severity often depends on the speed of the impact and the vulnerability of the pedestrian.

Why do they happen?

There are many reasons why pedestrian accidents occur. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Driver distractions: Cell phone use, eating, or simply taking your eyes off the road for a moment can have tragic consequences.
  • Speeding: The faster a vehicle travels, the less time the driver has to react and the greater the impact force.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs judgment and reaction time.
  • Poor visibility: Low light conditions, bad weather, or obstructions can make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians.
  • Pedestrian negligence: Not following crosswalks, jaywalking, or walking while intoxicated can also contribute to accidents.

How can we prevent them?

Both drivers and pedestrians can take steps to reduce the risk of accidents:

For Drivers:

  • Put down the phone: Your texts and calls can wait. Focus on the road and keep your eyes peeled for pedestrians.
  • Slow down: Obey speed limits and adjust your speed for the conditions. Remember, stopping distances increase with speed.
  • Be extra cautious at intersections and crosswalks: Yield to pedestrians and come to a complete stop before turning.
  • Drive defensively: Assume that pedestrians may not see you and anticipate their actions.
  • Never drive under the influence: Alcohol and drugs impair your judgment and reaction time.

For Pedestrians:

  • Use crosswalks and obey traffic signals: They’re there for a reason!
  • Make eye contact with drivers: Ensure they see you before crossing.
  • Be visible: Wear bright clothing, especially at night, and carry reflective gear.
  • Avoid distractions: Put your phone away and focus on your surroundings.
  • Walk sober: Alcohol and drugs impair your balance and judgment.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: Don’t walk with headphones blasting, pay attention to traffic, and avoid distractions.


Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By following these simple tips, drivers and pedestrians can help create a safer and more walkable environment for everyone.

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